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Seminar: INTERNATIONAL CACRCS DAY, Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures | 25 Marzo 2019, Parma
The CACRCS DAY welcome all the contributions related to the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures damaged by corrosion both with numerical and experimental approaches. Authors willing to present a work at the CACRCS DAY are kindly invited to submit a 300 words abstract in accordance with the themes and topics before March 10, 2019. Authors are welcome to give an oral presentation at the event. Papers, presented in the CACRCS DAY, will be then submitted to Structural Concrete and accepted papers, after review, will be published together in a special issue of Structural Concrete Journal. Papers have to follow the format of Structural Concrete and can be finalised for the submission after the event within 31 May 2019. 25th MARCH 2019 h 9.00 – 18.30 at S. Elisabetta Conference Center Campus Via delle Scienze, 181, 43124 Parma University of Parma, Italy You can register for free. This seminar is sponsored