Coiltech Italia 2024

Exemplar participates in Coiltech Italia 2024 18/19 September 2024 Coiltech Italia is the annual event for the electromechanical industry, taking place every year during the last week of September. A place for internationalization: nearly half of the exhibitors and one-third of the visitors come from abroad. An international trade fair dedicated to Coil Winding for developers, manufacturers, or those involved in the maintenance of electric motors, transformers, generators, or other inductances and windings. In conjunction with the fair, Coiltech hosts the World Magnetic Conference, where the technological future of Coil Winding will be presented and discussed. During the Software session of the WMC, on Wednesday 18th, Hall 9 at 12:15 PM, our colleague Andrea Manella will present: “Shape and topological optimization to overcome the limits of parametric optimization for e-motors analysis.” Learn more

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MeshWorks 2024 Webinar Series – Introduction Session

  MeshWorks 2024 Webinar Series – Introduction Session Join us to explore DEP MeshWorks 2024, a cutting-edge CAE platform transforming product development. Supporting EV and ADAS applications with AI/ML algorithms, it ensures fast go-to-market strategies. Enjoy rapid concept CAE/CAD model generation, advanced meshing/morphing, and streamlined process automation. Achieve exceptional results swiftly with DEP MeshWorks 2024, the ultimate CAE suite for modern engineering. About the webinar: Join us to explore DEP MeshWorks 2024, a cutting-edge CAE platform transforming product development. Supporting EV and ADAS applications with AI/ML algorithms, it ensures fast go-to-market strategies. Enjoy rapid concept CAE/CAD model generation, advanced meshing/morphing, and streamlined process automation. Achieve exceptional results swiftly with DEP MeshWorks 2024, the ultimate CAE suite for modern engineering.   Topics Covered: Innovative ROM Module: MeshWorks offers a highly automated Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) module, streamlining the creation of high-fidelity models from complex FE models. Productive Electrification Module: eMOD is

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Exemplar Proudly Serves as Gold Sponsor at the XII Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB-ITA23)

Exemplar is honored to participate as a Gold Sponsor in the XII Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB-ITA), taking place in Turin on September 18-19, 2023. The event is organized by the Solid and Fluid Biomechanics Group of the Politecnico di Torino. Symposium Themes The first day will be dedicated to the thematic symposium “Integrative Biomechanics: Advancing Knowledge and Technology from Molecular to Organ Level,” while the second day will focus on advancements in the field of biomechanics in Italy. Why It’s Important The thematic symposium will delve into integrative biomechanics, employing methods and tools to tackle both fundamental and clinical problems through a multiscale approach. Areas of application can range from the development of new biomechanical knowledge to the creation of cutting-edge technologies and approaches for health and wellbeing. Per ulteriori dettagli sull’evento e per iscriversi, visitate il sito ufficiale: ESB-ITA23 Registration

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Exemplar Participates in CACRCS 2023 at the University of Parma

Exemplar is pleased to announce its sponsorship participation in the upcoming CACRCS DAYS 2023 workshop, taking place from September 13th to 15th at the University of Parma. The event is a significant collaboration between the fib Fédération International du Béton and other leading organizations in the field, including fib Italy Young Member, aicap Associazione Italiana Calcestruzzo Armato e Precompresso, Reluis, Associazione Italiana Metallurgia Ate, University of Parma, and Politecnico di Milano. A Look at the Workshop The theme of the 2023 edition will focus on the “Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures: from Research to Daily Engineering Evaluation”. Since 2019, the workshop has become an unmissable event for experts and practitioners in the field of evaluating the capacity of corroded reinforced concrete structures. Why It’s Important In the context of CACRCS DAYS events, professional engineers can find a community of individuals capable of assisting in practical problem-solving and in

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“Structural meshing State-of-the-Art with MeshWorks 2023” Webinar

“Structural meshing State-of-the-Art with MeshWorks 2023” Webinar Wednesday 12 July 2023 11:00 am Join our free webinar: MeshWorks 2023, software to innovatively create “State of the Art” Meshs In this webinar Exemplar will illustrate how to verticalise and automate the creation of structural meshes in an efficient and robust way thanks to the unique features of MeshWorks. We will give insights into Template Meshing, ConceptWorks, Process Automation and Mesh Morphing. It will also be possible to see how MeshWorks handles Bolt Modeling, the creation of 3D Welds elements for fatigue analysis, as well as the generation of reduced-order concentrated models – ROM- for efficient crash simulations or similar. Speaker Ing. Andrea Boscolo Application Engineer ➡️ Register now for free

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LIVE Webinar: Vehicle Simulation & Styling on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform

June 7: LIVE Webinar: Vehicle Simulation & Styling on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform First impressions count a lot in the world’s automotive markets. A vehicle’s look is a major driver in the decision to purchase, and manufacturers are under pressure to bring impactful styles quickly to market. But consumers and regulators also want a vehicle that performs well in terms of handling, comfort and—especially for electric vehicles—range. CATIA design tools linked to SIMULIA simulation tools on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform make a powerful tool for bringing stylists’ ideas to life. The combination of modeling and simulation (MODSIM) provides quick performance feedback to designers to provide the best combination of performance & aesthetics. Highlights: 3DEXPERIENCE based styling tools for early concept modeling Seemless & automated aerodynamic analysis Realistic rendering and interactive visualization Join us on June 7 @ 3-4PM GMT for a live broadcast of the presentation. This is the first webinar in

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Immerse Yourself in the World of Simulation at the SIMULIA EuroMed Regional User Meeting – Italy! Join us on June 20–21, 2023, in Modena, Italy, and delve into the world of simulation! Attend presentations and get firsthand experience of how SIMULIA’s innovative solutions can empower your simulation processes. Participate in one of our in-depth technology seminars to learn more about our technology. Best of all, participation is free! The Regional User Meeting is a user-focused event that concentrates on our technologies and your experiences. This is a space where you, our users, can share ideas and learn how SIMULIA’s innovative technology solutions can empower all simulation processes, while also providing a platform for networking and engagement with your peers. Attendees can anticipate technology updates and workflow demonstrations from our R&D on our key disciplines and products, including Abaqus, fe-safe, Isight, Tosca, Simpack, CST Studio Suite, Opera, PowerFLOW, XFlow, and Wave6.

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Webinar “VCollab – Realize the full benefits of simulation with 3D Digital CAE Automatic Reports”

Wednesday 29 March 2023, 11 a.m. we are pleased to invite you to our next free webinar on VCollab and the benefits of producing and archiving 3D CAE Simulation reports automatically. During the webinar, we will explore how FEM Simulation tools can improve product quality and reduce development costs. Unfortunately, analysts still have to spend time creating 2D reports (usually in PowerPoint format) to share results and allow changes to be released into production. You will learn how VCollab makes FEM analysis results from different simulation codes usable by creating 3D reports in HTML format that can be viewed with any web browser. You will also see how VCollab automates the process of creating 3D CAE reports, saving analysts valuable time. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to deepen your knowledge and acquire new skills in the field of 3D CAE simulations. Book your place now and join us for this

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Webinar on Electromagnetic Computation in Low and High Frequency

Wednesday 15 March 2023, 11 a.m. We are pleased to invite you to our next free webinar on Electromagnetic Computation in Low and High Frequency, to be held on 15 March 2023, at 11:00 am. During the webinar, different solvers will be presented that are able to tackle every problem from static to very high frequency fields, using different numerical methods and with the possibility of combining them in a hybrid way to analyse complex systems in a time frame compatible with today’s market demands. The webinar will focus on the use of electromagnetic simulation as an essential tool for multiphysics analysis in the industrial design process, particularly in relation to the technological challenges introduced by electric mobility and 5G. Some industrial application cases will also be illustrated and information will be provided on the latest innovations introduced in CST 2023 for the evolution and multidisciplinarity of the available tools.

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webinar “Towards 3DEXPERIENCE with ABAQUS and CATIA”

Wednesday 15 February 2023, 11 a.m. We are pleased to invite you to our free webinar “Towards 3DEXPERIENCE with ABAQUS and CATIA”. CATIA users who want to enhance simulation in an integrated and collaborative environment will be able to evaluate the development of a multidisciplinary optimisation process – dynamic, fluid dynamic and structural – of a component for Consumer Goods, in a 3DEXPERIENCE environment. The presentation will highlight the workflow in a fully integrated, collaborative environment, from design management to component optimisation, in order to meet functional requirements in terms of vibrational and fluid-dynamic performance. Speaker Ing. Massimo Damasio Senior Project Manager at Exemplar

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