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Engineering Services
We provide solutions to specific engineering problems thanks to the best tools on the market and our long-time experience.
We analyze the data flow of your process and we find the best solutions to automate, integrate and optimize it using standard and/or commercial tools and developing dedicated software.
Exemplar, with the aim of providing innovative solutions to the companies it collaborates with, has signed software resale partnerships at an international level.
The development of a solid network of strategic alliances, combined with the experience and knowledge of our professional talents, allows us to better respond to customer requests.

Exemplar has invested resources and competences in order to develop new concept software that have improved our portfolio.
These are some of its software.

Exemplar works in close contact with clients to project, integrate, automate, manage and optimize.
Thanks to our professional talents we can offer Simulation training courses in two ways:
- Thematic and catalogue course about the types of CAE analysis and/or about the market leader software.
- Know-how transfer to answer directly and completely the company needs dealing with specific technical issues. Courses schedules are given upon request.
See the Calendar of public courses.
Exemplar offers technical support and innovative solutions by means of a constant update of its technical team. We use software solutions both in beta test phase and in engineering activities.
Our technical team is highly specialized and works with companies that chose Exemplar solutions supporting them in the application of methods and products.